================ Container Images ================ This project provides ``Dockerfile`` s and scripts included in container images to be used for Dataverse deployment and maintenance. 1. You can use images from Docker Hub. Those are built and tested by CI on every push to ``master`` and tags. 2. Derive from these and push your customized image to a place you like. 3. Build the genuine images yourself and push to a registry of your choice. .. note:: Currently, images on Docker Hub contain released upstream versions of Dataverse only. See image documentation for details. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 build dataverse-k8s solr-k8s Container Startup ----------------- Solr Search index ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Described in detail at :doc:`/day2/job-index`. Dataverse Application Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the Kubernetes pod containing the application server container starts, one of the following happens, dependent on the type of image you are using. The following happens when using the :doc:`dataverse-k8s` or a derived image. .. uml:: @startuml !includeurl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michiel/plantuml-kubernetes-sprites/master/resource/k8s-sprites-unlabeled-25pct.iuml" participant "<$pod>\nContainer" as K participant Tini note right Tini: "Tiny init"\ngithub.com/krallin/tini participant "Entrypoint" as E participant "Init script" as I participant "Appserver" as A create Tini K -> Tini: Start create E Tini -> E: Start create I E -> I: Start create A I -> A: Start activate A I -> A: Configure password aliases I -> A: Configure keys for S3 I -> A: Configure resources I -> A: Configure Dataverse\nJVM options I -> A: Stop destroy A I -> I: Symlink WAR & more create A E -> A: Start in foreground activate A E --> Tini: exec(): replace with Appserver destroy E Tini -> A: Keep running until container stops A -> A: Autodeploy WAR @enduml