========== Monitoring ========== This section of the guide is about presenting some ideas how you could enable monitoring for your running Dataverse application. Some modern monitoring systems are supported, as always, on a community basis. Feel free to extend. Monitoring Dataverse application server --------------------------------------- Easiest way forward is by using `Prometheus `_. The :doc:`/images/dataverse-k8s` ships with the `official JMX exporter `_, which allows you to monitor the complete JVM statistics as necessary. Enable JMX exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JMX exporter Java agent is included and started by the JVM when booting the container and enabled. To enable, modify your ``ConfigMap`` (see also :doc:`/day1/config`). .. code-block:: yaml # ... data: ENABLE_JMX_EXPORT: "1" By default, the agent is reachable at port ``8081`` and uses the default ``{}`` configuration as suggested by upstream. You can override the listening port via environment variable and configuration via mounting a file. .. code-block:: yaml # ... data: ENABLE_JMX_EXPORT: "1" JMX_EXPORTER_PORT: "12345" JMX_EXPORTER_CONFIG: "/my/place/where/i/mounted/config.yaml" .. note:: You can put your config in some ``ConfigMap`` and mount as a file. Examples can be found on the internet, e. g. at https://carlos.mendible.com/2019/02/10/kubernetes-mount-file-pod-with-configmap